Home > Artworks > Mirian Daniela Saraceno

Photo of Mirian Daniela Saraceno Spain

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My love for photography began in the year 1998, when he was 17 years ..... I write in a cultural center in my neighborhood and my first classes were with Professor Eduardo Meskatuvicius. Many reels went through my nikon FM10, many trials and errors ... many surprises and failures ... I encouraged the idea of following group shows in which he participates between 1998 and 1999 at the cultural center Buenosayres ADAM IN THE...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2002, Entre los grises
  • 2001, Entre los Grises

Awards received

  • 1999, Concurso: El hombre y sus trabajos". 3er premio.

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My love for photography began in the year 1998, when he was 17 years ..... I write in a cultural center in my neighborhood and my first classes were with Professor Eduardo Meskatuvicius. Many reels went through my nikon FM10, many trials and errors ... many surprises and failures ... I encouraged the idea of following group shows in which he participates between 1998 and 1999 at the cultural center Buenosayres ADAM IN THE PARK DISTRICT CHACABUCO and some favorable comments from people who visited and my own companions. Already in 1999, and my income at the Faculty of Architecture where he studied the picture and sound CBC started to have a different vision of photographic practice ... From the hand of Silvia Perez Fernandez (anthropologist and photographer), Tony Valdez (photojournalist), among others, I lose myself in the history of photography, semiotics, graphic journalism and documentary, all courses taken at the University of Buenos Aires, in the faculty social. In the year 2000 set out in the social club EGEBO, a photographic series called Between the gray cover product for the right presidential election year 1999, their festivals, and the subsequent protest marches. This sample, I have taken in the year 2001 and cultural center with Leslie Buenosayres Adan Lopez Chilean photographer living in Argentina for over 15 years. Later that year a few months later this alone in the photo gallery of the faculty of political science and communication in front of the old park. He participated in several contests taking 3rd place in the competition: the man and his works organized by the UOM, including a traveling exhibition. I have participated in artistic photography www.nomeprometasrosas.com.ar page on a personal photo gallery. Between the year 2001 and part of 2003, while he was studying at the career of Social Communication in UBA, join the staff of the newspaper PAPER FLOWERS, writing articles about events of Flores and nearby neighborhoods, taking fotogafias to illustrate some of my notes too. For 2 years until today, 24 years, my current residence is in the province of Malaga in Spain. I was away from my work almost a year and a half turns of life .... I have remedied the situation and currently study in Black and White Laboratory at the private school productions TOROBLANCO image of the hand of the Spaniards Michelo photographers and Pablo Toro Blanco. Participated in the www.fotorevista.com.ar website on the portfolios in the photo galleries, journalistic and documentary area. In artelista.com intend to show my work and also to offer them a good excuse to work every day in what I like ... In future try to set up my projects, be participatory, and learning each Again those who know and samples of other authors that I think is a good way to be in this .... LOOKING is the only way ... PUBLICATIONS: WWW.ELANGELCAIDO.ORG LATEST RELEASE: MARCH 2006 ... AUDIOVISUAL: ALWAYS TURNS TO BUENOS AIRES also in www.elangelcaido.org. here is the link http://www.elangelcaido.org/2006/03/200603dsaraceno/200603dsaraceno00.html THANKS FOR YOUR TIME!! DANIELA MIRIAD SARACENO

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